The NetOps Production APO Security Team course covers the production network changes anticipated to be performed by the APO Security groups or the corresponding support Centers on their behalf. This interactive course includes delivering the performance expectations of the Application Platform Operations employees.
Included in the Course:
- In-depth interactive eBook modules
Self-paced interactive Online Course: Learners start the SCTE VirtuLearn® course at any time, study at their own pace, and have access to dynamic online content after they register. SCTE provides access to the course for 1 year from date of purchase.
System Requirements: A high-speed Internet (HSI) connection, Internet browser with HTML5 support. For tablet or smartphone access, HTML5 may be used for online eBook content.
Course Modules
Module 01: NetOps Network Operations Overview
Module 02: NetOps Performance Expectations APO Security Team
Course Learning Objectives
Module 01 NetOps Network Operations Overview
Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:
- Identify terms and acronyms used when submitting and performing Network Change activity
- Identify network conditions and severity levels by service.
- Identify the pre-work requirements for all production environment change activity.
- Differentiate the 3 types of change activity performed in the Network Operations Production Environment.
- Identify the policy expectations associated to change activity performed in the Network Operations Production Environment.
- List the ticket types used when submitting Network Operations Productions Environment network change activity requests.
- Define a Method of Procedure (MOP) as it relates to the network changes performed in the Network Operations Production Environment.
- Identify the MOP requirements for submitting change activity.
- Identify the types of network changes submitted for operation task review.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of each employee when submitting change activity requests.
- Identify the change request requirements.
- Distinguish between normal, routine and emergency change activity that is process through the Change Management team.
- Identify network lockdown categories and criteria.
- Explain the Network Operations Commercial Business Notification SLA.
- Identify the call- in and call - out responsibilities required during change activity.
- Identify the uses of an Incident ticket.
Module 02 NetOps Performance Expectations APO Security
Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:
- Understand APO production environmental operational rules.
- Explore all data and implementation centers production infrastructure work.
- Examine the production network changes anticipated to be performed by each individual in the APO Engineering Operations group (or the APO Support Center on their behalf), and any special rules that apply for each type of work
- Understand the performance expectations of the APO security team.
Target Audience
- NetOps employees
- Spectrum approved vendors