February 2, 2017
Turf's Sports Grill- Meeting Room
512 Warren Ave
Portland, ME 04103
Lighthouse Chapter Safety Training- February 2, 2017Starts: 8:30 amEnds: 12:00 pmThis month's topic is Safety. The presenter will be Peter Coughlan, Director, Maine Local Roads Center for the State of Maine. You may recall that Peter presented to our chapter before back in 2008. Safety is always on the forefront in the winter time and it is important to all of us, especially winter driving. Please be sure to join us for this relevant and timely tech session. The tech sessions will start at 8:30 AM. If you get there early, you will have the opportunity to network with other attendees and enjoy the free coffee & light breakfast. (Selection varies at the two locations) We hope you can join us at one of our February tech sessions!