SCTE 293-2 2024

What is … Velocity of Propagation?

Executive Summary

This document is one in a series of technical monographs providing a high-level overview of a given topic. Here, velocity of propagation is discussed.


The performance of coaxial cable is described by several parameters, including one called velocity of propagation. Velocity of propagation is the speed at which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium such as coaxial cable, expressed as a percentage of the speed of light in a vacuum. For instance, a common velocity of propagation specification for subscriber drop cable is 85 percent, which means the RF signals inside of that drop cable are traveling at 85 percent of the speed of light in a vacuum. This document provides a high-level overview of velocity of propagation and its importance.


The material in this document can be used as part of technical training programs, a tutorial for individuals seeking a high-level understanding of velocity of propagation, and/or a refresher for those who may have forgotten some of the fundamentals of the topic.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this document includes technical personnel from installers to engineers. The material is also suitable for those new to the cable industry.