SCTE Chapters
SCTE's Chapter members are the most active in the Society. They're dedicated to educating broadband professionals on the latest technologies and leadership skills necessary to be successful.
"Find A Chapter" provides a list of chapters. Click on the chapter to see the current list of chapter board members along with a contact and link to the website for each chapter.
SCTE Chapters provide Technical and Leadership Training
Local SCTE chapters offer hundreds of hours of technical / leadership training each year on various topics from the latest industry topics to hands-on equipment training. Many of these sessions are recorded and posted on the SCTE website. Chapters have collaborated to share training sessions using these postings. Vendors have trained new technical personnel using these postings. The recorded sessions are available through the SCTE Event Calendar Search below.
SCTE Chapters host Vendor Days
SCTE chapters host approximately 50 Vendor Days each year. They are an opportunity to learn about exciting technologies. Find a list of upcoming local Vendor Days in the SCTE Event Calendar. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about an upcoming Vendor Day, please contact your local chapter.
SCTE Chapters provide an arena for Cable-Tec Games
Local Cable-Tec Games, typically held during chapter vendor shows or regional cable shows, provide an arena for contestants to compete in events that measure their technical abilities, such as cable splicing and meter reading, and demonstrate their knowledge, such as cable jeopardy. Dates and details for local Cable-Tec Games can be found in the SCTE Event Calendar. Select winners of local competitions advance to compete on an international level during SCTE TechExpo The links below provide more information on the International Cable-Tec Games competitions and on TechExpo.
SCTE MemberConnect
These resources allow you to connect with other members or with companies in cable industry.
Be in-the-know. Enjoy informative publications for cable professionals about Society programs and industry news. In our Broadband Library, you’ll find insights you simply won’t find anywhere else. Distinguished business leaders, engineers, and SCTE representatives share their personal views on the current and future state of broadband and its technology—it’s can’t miss content!
Chapter Certification Testing
SCTE certification is the cable industry’s premier endorsement for professionals. Prove your cable Gain recognition for your skills. Promote your expertise. Advance your career. Get certified today.
The majority of SCTE awards are presented to active Chapter Members. Nominate a member of your Chapter today!
SCTE Awards & Recognitions
SCTE recognizes and honors excellence in the industry through annual awards and recognition programs that showcase the accomplishments and contributions of SCTE members to the cable industry.
Presented during the Chapter Leadership Conference
Chapter Awards
Honoring excellence in local leadership, the SCTE Chapter awards program enables members to acknowledge and recognize excellence among the chapters, meeting groups, and local leaders who contribute substantially to the cable industry.
Membership Benefits and Resources
Help members to maximize the value of SCTE Membership. Our entire list of membership benefits are described along with quick links to the activity. In addition, quick links to SCTE Resources provide easy access to Cable Information.
SCTE LiveLearning Webinars
There’s a webinar for almost everything. As a member, you'll have access to live and recorded webinars on the latest technologies that can be viewed by topic—and we're adding more all the time. In addition to our monthly LiveLearning Webinars™ we also offer our Technology Series on hot industry topics and exclusive leadership webinars for our Executive members.
Get Involved and Volunteer
We’re always looking for innovative perspectives from the industry’s thought leaders. And, when you volunteer to share your expertise—at a local chapter, for a speaking opportunity or by submitting a paper—you get the opportunity to showcase your knowledge and hone your leadership skills.
SCTE Regional Representatives
The responsibility of the Member-Elected Regional Representative is to support and represent the needs of the general membership and chapters through ideas and recommendations made to any Standing Committee (Engineering and Technical Operations, Chapter Support and Membership, Learning and Development, Standards, etc.) for their review and potential presentation to the Board where applicable. All Regional Representatives are considered a spokesperson for the Society, both to the membership and outside interests, and should stay informed on current problems, prevailing attitudes, and membership needs to best serve the interests of the Society’s members. A full list of responsibilities is included in the Regional Representative Roles and Responsibilities link below.
Eligibility: Candidates must be active SCTE members who have been members for at least the last three (3) years and reside within the Region they will represent. All Regional Representatives are elected to a two-year term taking office JAN 1.
Nominations are made using the Regional Representative Nomination form below.