Procedures and Forms
Operating Procedures
The SCTE Standards program is operated according to procedures approved by the SCTE Board of Directors. The Manual of Operating Procedures of the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) Standards Program is consistent with the Essential Requirements for standards developers published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The objective of these procedures is to facilitate the production of technically sound standards in a method consistent with ANSI requirements for accreditation. Its use is required in all SCTE standards processes, whether or not submission of the output as an American National Standard is planned.
Project Authorization Request (PAR)
Anyone inside or outside the SCTE standards program who wishes to submit an idea for a new project can have it considered by submitting their idea on a Project Authorization Request (PAR) form to the standards staff. Every submission will be considered by the Engineering Committee and, if accepted, assigned to an appropriate Subcommittee for development.
Standards and Operational Practices Template
All documents created in the SCTE Standards program should use the Standards and Operational Practices Template.
Rights Management
Any branded or copyrighted contributions submitted to the SCTE Standards program must be accompanied by a Rights Management form which allows the Subcommittee to conduct its business.
Intellectual Property Notice
All documents produced by the SCTE Standards program contain an intellectual property notice.
Patent Declaration
Anyone who believes that they have, or that others have, essential patent rights that are impacted by an SCTE standard should notify the SCTE standards staff as soon as possible. A Patent Declaration form is provided for your convenience.
Intellectual Property Notice for Meetings
Attendees are reminded of their obligation to abide by the procedures of the SCTE standards organization. These procedures, and appropriate forms, are available at https://scte.org. Participants are obligated to notify SCTE of any patents of which they are personally aware that would be essential to the implementation of an SCTE standard. Participants also agree to abide by all applicable laws, particularly antitrust legislation. Participation in SCTE standards activities does not convey or assign any intellectual property rights from rights holders to SCTE or to participants in SCTE standards activities. Audio or video recording of any portion of an SCTE meeting is prohibited without permission of the secretariat. Attendees unwilling to agree to these terms must leave the meeting.
Appeal Form
Persons who have directly and materially affected interests and who believe that they have been or will be adversely affected by a standard approved by the SCTE Engineering Committee or any procedural action or inaction relative thereto within SCTE’s jurisdiction have the right to appeal. The appellant shall file a written complaint with the SCTE Secretariat within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of notification of action or at any time with respect to inaction. Appeals must be based on procedural error; the technical content of a standard cannot be appealed. The Appeal form may be used to file an appeal with SCTE.
SCTE assumes no responsibility for errors or omission in any documents on this site, and in no event shall SCTE be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this information.
SCTE will on occasion provide links to web sites outside SCTE. SCTE Assumes no responsibility for these sites or for anything that results from visiting them.
The SCTE standards program does not collect identifying information about people visiting this web site. Only summary information about the number of visitors to particular sections of is collected. If you send personally-identifiable information to us, it will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent.
NOTE - This policy applies only to the Standards portion of the SCTE web site. Other sections such as the Bookstore may have different policies.
Antitrust Guidelines
SCTE standards meetings must be conducted in a manner that avoids the appearance of conduct which might violate antitrust laws.
Legal counsel should be consulted prior to any discussions which staff or participants believe could raise antitrust issues.
There should never be discussions of the following topics:
Documents which are made available on this web site, unless otherwise noted, may be reproduced, translated, distributed, and made available electronically on condition that this is not done for profit, that no changes are made to the documents, and that SCTE's rights in the documents are acknowledged. Any requests to reproduce SCTE documents in a manner other than expressly granted, in whole or part, should be submitted to SCTE Standards staff at standards@scte.org.
Documents which are submitted to SCTE for use in the standards program must be accompanied by a Rights Management Form that gives SCTE certain rights.
Claims of Conformance and Association
SCTE does not test products for compliance with its standards, and does not authorize anyone else to do so. Claims by manufacturers of conformance represent the statements of those manufacturers and are in no way endorsed by SCTE. Statements by manufacturers that suggest such an endorsement are not allowed.
Similarly, indications of membership in SCTE standards committees on business cards or similar media does not imply any endorsement by SCTE of the companies or their products and services. Any reference must be to the SCTE Standards Program or to a specific committee, to avoid the implication that the organization is a member of SCTE itself. (Individual SCTE members are allowed to identify themselves as such on business cards consistent with the SCTE logo policy.)
The use of the SCTE logo is governed by the SCTE Logo Usage Rules. The details of these rules are available here. The use of the logo in conjunction with product claims is not allowed.
Within these guidelines, SCTE has no objection to claims of product conformance or standards program membership.
Contact the Staff at standards@scte.org
Intellectual Property Declaration
The following Patent Statement and Licensing Form declarations and related materials have been received by SCTE:
Patent Statement and Licensing Form
General Declarations
InterDigital Video Technologies, Inc.
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Robert Cruickshank Associates LLC
Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers, Inc.
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
ANSI/SCTE 20 Method for Carriage of Closed Captions and Non-Real Time Sampled Video
ANSI/SCTE 41 (formerly DVS 301), POD Copy Protection System
Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
ANSI/SCTE 90-1 (formerly CAPS 02-01) SCTE Application Platform Standard OCAP 1.0 Profile
CableLabs Television Laboratories, Inc
Open Cable IPR Policy
Sun Java License Agreement with CableLabs
Data Over Cable Services Interface Specifications (“DOCSIS”)
License Agreement with Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
ANSI/SCTE 131 HMS VoIP Test Management Information Base (MIB) Definition SCTE-HMS-VOIP-MIB
ANSI/SCTE 174 Radio Frequency over Glass Fiber-to-the-Home (RFoG) Specification Extension