March 7, 2018
Holiday Inn- Fond Du Lac
625 W Rolling Meadows Dr
Fond Du Lac, WI
SCTE Badger State Chapter will be presenting Leveraging theHFC Network seminar on Wednesday, March 7th, 2018. DOCSIS 3.1, Remote PHY, andFiber Deep Architectures are currently being deployed around the country. Very soon, technicians here in Wisconsin willbe dealing with these technologies on a daily basis. This seminar is geared to preppingmaintenance personnel, technical staff, and management to be ready for theseroll-outs when they happen. Shaz Sherer,Charter VP of Regional Engineering, will also be giving a quick overview ofwhat technologies are coming to our area.Wednesday – March 7th, 2018Location: Holiday Inn625 W. Rolling Meadows DriveFond du Lac, WI Topics to be Discussed: - DOCSIS 3.1(2 speakers) o ToddGingrass, Director of Cable and Media Solutions from CCI Systems Todd willcover the basics of DOCSIS 3.1, the differences between 3.0 and 3.1, whyoperators are going to DOCSIS 3.1, specifications vs. real world findings, andactual test data.o BryanWatts, Maintenance Manager from Charter Kansas City Bryan willcover DOCSIS 3.1 pre-testing, impairments and ingress, MER, BER, and SNR,preparation for rollout, test data, and lessons learned from going through afull deployment. - Remote PHY- Mike Elia, Senior Sales Engineer from ARRIS o Mike willbe explaining the basics of Remote PHY, what it is and how it works, why it isbeing deployed, benefits, and how it improves performance. - FTTH andFiber Deep Architectures - Doug Blue, Director of Field Marketing from CALIX o Doug willdiscuss why many cable operators are reconsidering PON. In addition, he will touch on many of thecommon pit falls and challenges operators face when constructing, operating andmaintaining a FTTH network. FTTH offerscompelling technology benefits, including increased capacity potential and a“near-zero” maintenance facility. It also offers significant financialbenefits, such as much lower power consumption and lower overall OPEX.Cost for Seminar; $30 Non-Member, $20 SCTE Member.Questions: Randy Bunnell,