SCTE Chapter Vendor Days, Cable-Tec Games & Golf

Crystal Coast Chapter Vendor Day And Cable-tec Games

June 4, 2015

Greenville Convention Center
303 SW Greenville Blvd
Greenville, NC 27834

5th Annual Crystal Coast Chapter Technical Exhibition and 5th Cable-Tec Games Celebration Agenda: June 4th, 2015 07:30-09:00am Vendor Registration Open 08:00-09:15am Attendee Registration Open 09:00-04:00pm Welcome and Opening Remarks President -Exhibits Open 12:00-01:00 pm Lunch - Keynote 01:30-04:00 pm Cable Tec Games and Exhibit Floor Opens for PM session Registration Information and fees: Premier Sponsorship $1000/ea. Includes 1 exhibit table, 1 lunch, 1 Golf Team & recognition at all technical sessions for 1 year. Logo on Crystal Coast Chapter SCTE Website & Newsletters for 1 year. Verbal Recognition during opening comments at this event and Chapter Meetings for 1 year. Logo displayed on power point slide show which is displayed before meetings start and at breaks during at all chapter meetings, including the Technical Exhibitions. Initial Exhibit Table $200.00/each (Non-SCTE members- $250.00) Additional Exhibit Table $150.00/each Add 'l Exhibitor Lunches 1 Ticket included with table fees, Tickets for additional exhibitor personnel: $ 25.00 each Sponsorships for Lunch (6 available) $400.00 each. Recognition by announcements and signage. Sponsor for Morning & afternoon refreshments (4 available) $200.00 Recognition by announcements and signage Goody Bags Sponsorship (2 available) $ 400.00 Bags used to promote the Chapter, SCTE and Vendor sponsorship Cable-Tec Games Sponsors (5 available) $200.00 Recognition by announcements and signage Grand Prize TV Sponsors (4 avail) $ 350.00 each or by donation. Recognition by announcements and signage at the sponsored event. Vendor Day Door Prizes Donations - We expect between 100-160 attendees. Donations can be included in the bags distributed at registration. Items over $25.00 in value will be distributed by raffle throughout the event. Registration- Online registration is available. If you are a SCTE member, please log in to receive the member rate. Please Note: Online Registration will not be available after May 29th. Accommodations: Hilton - Hampton and new Holiday Inn (formally City Hotel) on Greenville Blvd Please make reservations. Blocks have been set aside with a special rate at the Hilton and Hampton Inn. Vendor Day Information contact Crystal Coast Chapter's 5th Annual Vendor Day, Training and Cable-Tec Games