SCTE Chapter Vendor Days, Cable-Tec Games & Golf

Crystal Coast Chapter Vendor Day, Golf And Cable-tec Games

May 3, 2017 – May 4, 2017

Greenville Hilton
207 Greenville Blvd SW
Greenville, NC 27834

Crystal Coast Chapter Golf Outing and Vendor Day 2017Golf Location: May 3rdBradford Creek Golf Course4950 Old Pactolus RdGreenville, NC 27858(252)329-GOLF (4653) Golf Pricing and Sponsorships Available: Golf Tournament Teams $400 Golf Tournament Individual $100 Golf Tournament Beverage Cart Gratuity sponsorship (2 available) $200 Golf Tournament Box Lunch Sponsor(2 available) $300 Golf Hole Sponsorship (3 available) $100 Mulligans 1 ticket Max 3 (20 available) $20 Range Balls (3 available) $75 Crystal Coast Goody Bags Sponsorship (2 available) $100 *Premier Sponsorship: Register via the Vendor day registration receives 1 golf team* Golf Schedule: 10am Shotgun start, Golf tournament should conclude by 5pm May 4th, 2017- Crystal Coast Vendor Day and Cable –Tec gamesLocation:Greenville Hilton207 Greenville Blvd SWGreenville, NC 27834 Schedule:8:00-9:00 Vendor Registration open9:00-12:00 Cable Tec games 9:00 Attendee Registration open9:00-2:30 Vendor exhibits open12:00-1:00 Luncheon- Keynote Speaker1:30 Cable Jeopardy w/ Door prizes between rounds Vendor Day Pricing and Sponsorships Available: Premier Annual Sponsorship $1800 includes: 1 exhibit table, 1 lunch, 1 golf team and recognition at all technical sessions for 1 year. Logo on newsletters for 1 year, Verbal Recognition during opening comments on Vendor Day and technical sessions for 1 year Vendor Day Table Exhibit, 1 registration $275 before 4/17/17, $350 on or after 4/18/17 Vendor Day Table Exhibit w/ Power 1 registration $300 before 4/17/17, $375 on or after 4/18/17 Additional Table $150 before 4/17/17, $200 on or after 4/18/17 Additional registration, includes lunch $25 each additional Exhibitor lunch Lanyard/Badge Sponsorship $500 includes logo/name on Lanyards AND badges for all attendees: Deadline 4/10/17 .150 quantity Vendor Day Lunch (4 available) $700 includes Verbal recognition and additional signage Vendor day Morning and afternoon refreshment breaks (4 available) $200 includes Verbal recognition and additional signage Cable Tec Games Table Sponsor (5 games available) $200 includes Verbal recognition and additional signage Cable Games Medal Awards Sponsor (2 available) $200 includes Verbal recognition and additional signage Grand Prize TV sponsor (1 available) $500 includes Verbal recognition and additional signage Registration:Online registration is available for this event. Please note- In order to register for an event, you must log into the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have an account in the system prior to registering. Once you have logged in, the page will show you the prices as well as a “register myself” button. You must click on the “Register Myself” button before you can click on any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the “register myself” button).Please note: There are registration options for both the golf outing and the vendor day. Expand the date drop-down to view vendor day optionsIf you do not make a selection from the options, you will not be registered for this event