SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Dixie Chapter Hardening the Drop Webinar

November 6, 2018

DixieChapter Hardening the Drop WebinarJoin usfor a webinar on Nov 06, 2018 at 8:00 AM CST. Register now! Thetraining provided will be Hardening the Drop, with an emphasis on LTE interference.The basics of the components used in the drop will be reviewed, and keyperformance objectives will be discussed, along with an overview of somecraftsmanship concerns. The training will then move into how key components inthe drop, and in the outside plant, can contribute to LTE interference, with adiscussion on considerations to help mitigate this issue. Jim Gorecki with PCT International will bepresenting this training session.After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing informationabout joining the webinar.DixieChapter Contact: