SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Greater Chicago Chapter Leadership Seminar

February 27, 2019

Fiber Node Services
525 Randy Rd
Carol Stream, IL 60188

GreaterChicago Chapter Seminar- Leadership and Government Affairs SeminarSchedule:7:30-8:15 Registration 8:15 -8:30 PeteGolfinopoulos-GCSCTE President- BusinessMeeting 8:30 – 10:00 GovernmentAffairs Update- Matt Summey- Comcast10:00- 10:15 Break 10:15-11:00 What it takes: The Successful Interview:Employee Evaluation Skills- Aaron Weimer, Comcast 11:00-12:00 Transitioningfrom technical to management- Aaron Weimer, Comcast 12:00-1:15 Lunch1:15 -2:45 Timefor an OS Update on Leadership- Ron Phillips, CVS Healthcare 2:45-3:00 Break3:00-4:15 Influencing andPersuading Others- Comcast University Questions: Alan Kolad, Registration:Onlineregistration is available for this event. Please note- In order toregister for an event, you must log into the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have an account in the system priorto registering. Once you have logged in, the page will show you theprices as well as a “register myself”button. You must click on the “Register Myself”button before you can clickon any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the “registermyself” button).You also have the ability to register others from yourcompany. Please click on “Register Someone Else” anduse the search option to find members ornon-members who have a record in the database. If not found, you can createa basic record for new participants. Please include thefull name, company, email and chapter.