May 4, 2016 – May 5, 2016
Embassy Suites San Marcos
1001 E McCarty Lane
San Marcos, TX
When: Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 Golf and Welcome Reception Thursday, May 5th, 2016 Vendor Day and Cable Games Where: Golf Course: Plum Creek Golf Course Welcome Reception: Embassy Suites in San Marcos Vendor Day and Cable Games: Embassy Suites in San Marcos (Tel: 512-392-6450), 1001 E. McCarty Lane, San Marcos, Texas, 78666 May 4th: Golf at Plum Creek Golf CourseAddress: 750 Kohlers Crossing, Kyle, TX 78640 (Tel: 512-262-5555) Schedule: 11:00am Arrive at the golf course and head to the club house. Get your packet from the course director. (Includes lunch ticket and two free drink tickets. You can buy mulligans at this time) 11:30am Lunch Start: Golfers meet at the club house for a sit down BBQ lunch12:45pm Load your ice-boxes with drinks and get to the start1:00pm Shot gun start6:00pm Golf game ends 7:30pm ALL Welcome reception. (ends around 11:30pm) Meet at the Embassy Suites for the welcome reception for golf prize announcements, drinks and appetizers (ALL vendors and golfers are invited) 4:00pm-7:00pm Vendor can setup their tables Embassy Suites (Ballroom) All golfers please meet at the Embassy Suites for prize announcements, drinks and food after the game. Golf Fees: Golf Event $100 per person (Arranged foursomes place names in the reg form or online at Golf Hole Sponsorship $100 Evening Reception Sponsor $500 May 5th: Vendor Day and Cable GamesVendor Day and Cable Games at the Embassy Suite in San Marcos (ballroom & breakout room) Schedule: 7:00am Ballroom opens to vendors for setup7:00am Cable games setup in breakout room7:30am Attendee registration 8:00am Cable games and Cable Jeopardy starts in breakout room9:00am Vendor floor opens to attendees11:30am Ballroom closes for lunch11:45am Lunch in luncheon hall (Guest Speaker TBA)1:15pm Lunch session ends 1:30pm Vendor floor reopens to attendees3:00pm Cable games awards3:15pm Attendee prize draw 3:30pm Vendor floor closing TABLES Vendor Table $300 (This table includes one representative and one luncheon ticket) 2nd Table $250 (Each extra table includes one representative and one luncheon ticket) Additional Representatives $65 Electrical Hookup $30 VENDOR DAY SPONSORSHIP Platinum $500 Gold $400 Silver $300 Bronze $200 Vendor Day Lunch Sponsor $400 Accommodations: A block of rooms have been reserved for May 2, 2016 – May 5, 2016 at the Embassy Suites in San Marcos. The special room rate will be available until April 8th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. This year we have a special rate of $146 per night. Please use this SITE to make your hotel reservation. If calling in use verbal code: STE Please use the link to assist us in meeting our room requirements helping us keep our costs down. Hotel phone is 512-392-6450. Contact Information: Vendor questions Michael Webb Cable-Tec Games questions John Riewe Golf questions Robert Thomas Registration questions Matt Bonney General questions Online registration is now closed. Please contact with any questions