SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Inland Empire Chapter Digital Measurements Seminar

April 18, 2018

Charter Communications
2305 W Kathleen
Coeur D Alene, ID 83815

The Inland Empire SCTE Chapter will be providing trainingthrough video conferencing on April 18, 2018 at selected locations listbelow. SCTE Inland Empire Chapter Webinar will be available atthese locations:Comcast in Spokane WA. Charter Communications in CDA ID and Pullman WA.Altice in Osburn, ID. Webinar Details: Tobe sent before meeting to POC of each facility. Wednesday April 18th, 2018 8 AM to 10:00 AM Meetingfee:$25 Non-member $15 Member SeminarSchedule: 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Registration& Networking8:00 AM – 10:00 AM GettingBack to Basics- Digital Measurements and TroubleshootingThis training will focus on Measuring and troubleshootingDigital QAM carriers. Utilizing MER, BERwith a focus on impairments to QAM signal. - Trainingwill be presented by Juan Castro with VIAVI Solutions. Juan has been in thecable industry for over 30 years and has had the opportunity to presenttraining topics throughout North and South America ranging from Fiber Optics toDOCSIS 3.1. 1030 AM SCTECertification – Upon Request *This training will assist in preparing for the SCTE BPTcertification. SCTE certification testing will be available upon request.Please make requests in advance. Please e-mail your RSVP on attendance by April 16th, 2018to: JOHN BODEY, Chapter Secretary JOHN.BODEY@CHARTER.COM . Foradditional information call JOHN BODEY at (509) 330-5043.