SCTE Chapter Vendor Days, Cable-Tec Games & Golf

Iowa Heartland Chapter Cable-Tec Games

March 16, 2016

Kirkwood Community College
1770 Borsen Rd
Hiawatha, IA 52233

Iowa Heartland Chapter Cable-Tec GamesLocation:Kirkwood Training & Outreach Services1770 Boysen RoadHiawatha, IA 52233 The Cable-Tec Games gives you a chance to demonstrate yourfield technical skills (and learn new ones) in a fun and supportiveenvironment.Last year's winner of the Iowa Cable-Tec Games, NathanSidlinger of Mediacom, went on to finish 3rd in the International Cable Tec Games! Best of all, participating in the Cable-Tec Games is FREE!2018Cable-Tec Games Schedule8:00am-9:00am Registration andcontinental breakfast9:00am-10:00am You'll receive abrief tutorial on how each competition works and be given a chance to practice10:00am-Noon CompetitionsNoon-12:30pm Lunch (provided)12:30pm-3:00pm Competitioncontinues, followed by awards Questions: Iowa Heartland SCTE curtis@smartsourceconsulting.comRegisterHERE