April 27, 2016
In conjunction with the New England Chapter and the Green Mountain Chapter, the Lighthouse Chapter of the SCTE will be conducting its second technical sessions of 2016 on Wednesday, April 27th. This will not be a face to meeting and will instead be presented as a webinar. This month's topic is The Building Blocks of OFDM Carrier DOCSIS 3.1. The speaker will be presenter will be Juan Castro from JDSU. Please be sure to join us for this extremely important topic!Designated board members of the Lighthouse Chapter will be collecting names of people who participate in this webinar. Metrocast - Tom Daigneault, email - tdaigneault@metrocast.com TWC - Kasey Dyer, email - kasey.dyer@twcable.com TWC - Jeff Willis, email - jeff.willis@twcable.com Comcast - Ted Quint - ted.quint@cable.comcast.com Bee Line Cable - Ryan Daggett - rdaggett@beeline-online.net