July 26, 2018
Comcast Field Office
3737 West 10th St
Greeley, CO 08634
The SCTE Rocky Mountain Chapter has launched a new monthlymeet-up on the last Thursday of every month. This exciting new forum is open toall chapter members and provides a fun and social way to participate with thechapter. Our special edition event will be held at Comcast Field Office, 3737West 10th Street, Greeley, CO 80634 on Thursday, July 26th from 5:00 p.m. to7:00 p.m.. Food And drinks will be provided. There’s plenty of free parking atthis facility. This month’s topic is RonHranac’s excellent Did You Know? which covers a wide array of cable conceptsfrom terminology to modulation. In addition to the presentation, we will have ahands-On XM1 meter review including: review of features, functionality and allof your questions answered.Address:Comcast Field Office, 3737 West 10th Street, Greeley, CO 80634Agenda: 5:00 – 5:25 Light food, drinks and social time 5:25 – 5:30 Welcome and introduction with Larry Wolcott andWes Schick 5:30 – 6:30 Did You Know? presentation by Ron Hranac6:30 – 6:35 Break 6:35 – 7:00 Hands-on with XM1 7:00+ Q&A and wrap up Please RSVP by email: Larry_Wolcott@cable.comcast.com or text 303-726-1596 if you plan to attend or have any questionsabout the event.