October 24, 2019
Rocky Mountain Last Thursday Event- HFC Network Powering,How and Why Does it Work?The SCTE Rocky Mountain Chapter is continuing in 2019 withits monthly meet-up on the last Thursday of every month. This exciting newforum is open to all Chapter members and interested parties and intended toprovide an educational, fun and social way to participate with the Chapter!This month’s event will be held at:Location:Comcast183 Inverness Dr WestDate: October 24th, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pmThe presentation will be conducted by Toby Peck, Directorof Broadband OSP Product Management with Alpha and we’ll have a hands-onworkshop including:· What and whydo we require network power?· What is OhmsLaw and why do I need to know it?· Types ofnetwork power supplies, 90 VAC, 60 VAC, standby and non-standby· Batteries andwhy they are so important!· Importantcriteria to consider when testing or troubleshooting network power issues. Agenda:3:30 – 3:45 Social time including food and beverages3:45 – 4:45 Everything you wanted to know about network power but were afraid toask!4:45 – 5:30+ Hands-on workshopPlease RSVP by email: Larry_Wolcott@cable.comcast.com ortext 303-726-1596 if you plan to attend or have any questions about the event.