April 17, 2018 – April 18, 2018
Humble Civic Center Arena Complex
8233 Will Clayton Parkway
Humble, TX 77338
Event Locations:Vendor Day and Cable-Tec Games Location: Humble Civic Center Arena Complex 8233 Will ClaytonParkway Humble, TX 77338 Phone (281) 446-4140 Golf Tournament Location: Tour 18 Golf Course 3102 FM 1960 Rd E Humble, TX 77338Phone (281) 540-1818 Schedule: April 17, 2018Noon: Lunch followed by golf tournamentApril 18, 20187:30a.m.: Cable-Tec Games 10:00 a.m.: Exhibit floor opens12:00 p.m.: Lunch3:00 p.m.: Exhibit floor closes Registration and Pricing Details: PLEASE NOTE_ The deadline to register is Friday, April 6. Opening Day Luncheon Sponsor-(includes luncheon table signage and VIP at your table) $ 1,500.00 Sponsorship Levels Price Vendor Show Sponsors Diamond $1,000.00 (includes show entry signage) Platinum $ 500.00 Gold $ 400.00 Silver $300.00 Bronze $ 200.00 Exhibit Fees: First table (includes two reps) $ 375.00 Additional tables (includes two reps per table) $ 225.00 Additional representatives $ 75.00 Electrical hook-ups per table $ 15.00 Online registration fees reflect as 3% charge. To Register Online:Online registration is available for this event. Pleasenote- In order to register for an event, you must log into the websiteor create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have anaccount in the system prior to registering. Once you have logged in,the page will show you the prices as well as a “register myself”button. You must click on the “Register Myself” button before youcan click on any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the“register myself” button).Please note: There are registration options for both thegolf outing and the vendor day. Expand the date drop-down to viewvendor day optionsIf you do not make a selection from the options,you will not be registered for this event Contact: Carolyn Schaff at Carolyn_schaff@comcast.com