September 17, 2019
Bridgewater Place
205 Bridgewater Road
Knoxville, TN 37923
Smoky Mountain Chapter SCTE-ISBE Presents Vendor Day &Cable-Tec GamesCable-Tec Game Participant InvitationSeptember 17, 20198:30am – 3:00pmLocation:Bridgewater Place205 Bridgewater RoadKnoxville, TN 37923Registration for the games is free for SCTE Members.Cable-Tec Games will include: 1. CABLESPLICING - .500 Cable - Thecontestant will be expected to prepare both ends of a length of .500 cable andconnectorize one end with a .500 pin connector. Judging will be based onquality of workmanship and final results.- Timed Event: All toolssupplied, (may bring own tools). No drills.2. FIBERSPLICING – 250micron Optical Cable- Thecontestant will be expected to prepare both ends of a length of fiber opticcable, fusion splice the ends together, install optical splice protectorsleeve, clean splicer and cleaver and properly discard shards. Judging will bebased on safety, quality of workmanship and final results.- Timed Event: All equipment andtools will be supplied3. METERREADING - Measureand record the input and output levels of a "Black Box", (box has atap, DC, & splitter inside).- Determine tap and DC values,and match “Black Box” to the appropriate schematic.- Timed Event. Analog anddigital meters will be available, (may bring own meter).4. MTDR –Metallic Time Domain Reflectometer - Measure anumber of lengths of drop cables determine, termination and velocity ofpropagation.- Timed Event5. DROPCONNECTION - Thecontestant will be expected to prepare both ends of a length of Series 6 Quadshield Cable and install a connector on one end of the cable and attach to atap housing using proper techniques.- Timed Event: All toolssupplied, (may bring own tools). No drills.6. OTDR –Optical Time Domain Reflectometer - Determineevents and terminations of fiber optic cable using an OTDR.- Timed Event7. CABLEJEOPARDY - Similar tothe game show. Four or five categories, four contestants, points scored forcorrect questions, points are subtracted for incorrect questionsFor more information about the SCTE Cable-Tec Games, clickhere.Questions: Contact Sarah Miller, Treasurer, or smokymtnscte@gmail.comRegistration:Onlineregistration is available for this event. Please note- In order toregister for an event, you must log into the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have an account in the system priorto registering. Once you have logged in, the page will show you theprices as well as a “register myself”button. You must click on the “Register Myself”button before you can clickon any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the “registermyself” button).You also have the ability to register others from yourcompany. Please click on “Register Someone Else” anduse the search option to find members ornon-members who have a record in the database. If not found, you can createa basic record for new participants. Please include thefull name, company, email and chapter. Pleasecomplete the registration by clicking on "Proceed to check out". Ifyou are a SCTE-ISBE member, there is no charge to attend however theregistration is not completed until you click on "Submit Order". Youwill receive a confirming email.