SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Snake River Chapter Fiber and OTDR Fundamentals Webinar

November 14, 2018

Snake River Chapter Fiber and OTDR Fundamentals WebinarDate Wednesday, November14thTime: Two sessions 8:30 – 11:30 AMtraining class 1:00 -4:00 PM training classSubject: Fiberand OTDR FundamentalsSpeaker: Training: Jeff Harmon, Viavi Solutions Location: Thistraining is a webinar.AM Dial In Info: +1 8552117745, access code: 7531915102 AltID: 2543450#PM Dial In Info: +1 8552117745, access code: 7531915102 AltID: 2543450#Cost: FreeFor more information contact: Brett SchwarzBrett.Schwarz@cableone.bizor 208-631-9819