December 9, 2015 – December 10, 2015
Doubletree Hotel
222 North Vineyard Ave
Ontario, CA 91764
SoCal Vendors DayWhen: Wednesday & Thursday - December 9th & 10thWhere: Doubletree Hotel/Ontario Airport 222 North Vineyard Avenue Ontario, CA 91764 (909) 937-0900 On Line Hotel Reservations: Link to Doubletree Hotel/Ontario Airport Registration Page- Phone Reservations: 1-800-222-8733 and ask to make a reservation under the "SAB" Group Code PLEASE NOTE- Hotel cut off date is November 14, 2015General Information:Late Payment/Registration Penalties: Please note the registration deadline of 12/1/15 Coax & Electrical Hookups: Will be available for an additional fee on a first come, first served basis. Parking Lot Exhibitors: Space is available for vehicle/trailer displays in the hotel parking lot. Please contact Ron Lopez Table Displays Over Three Feet in Height: Will be available for an additional fee on a first-come, first-served basis. Purchase an electrical hookup, and let us know you need to be against the wall, and we'll see if we can accommodate you. Contact Us/Questions/Comments: Contact Ron Lopez 310- 993-2172 or email us at: socalvdays@gmail.comRegistration Fees: The registration fee is $345.00 per table/$1000.00 for a booth for registrations and payments received priorto December 1, 2015-. Registration fees will increase to $400.00 per table/$1240.00 per booth for payments/registrations received after this date!Registration fee includes display table and two participant registrations. Additional participants (above two) must be registered separately, at a fee of $35.00 each. Additional fees will be incurred for any special requirements (i.e., power, trailer displays).10'x10' Booth (Includes two attendees, electrical service) IF Payment Received Prior to 12/1/15: Vendor Event Booth @ $1000.00 ea.If Payment Received after 12/1/15: Vendor Event Booth @ $1240.00 ea Exhibit Tables: If Payment Received Prior to 12/1/2015: Vendor Event Tables @ $345.00 ea.If Payment Received after 12/1/2015: Vendor Event Tables @ $400.00 ea. Additional Participants: Additional Participants (more than 2)@ $35.00 ea. Luncheon: Wednesday @ $30.00 each or Thursday @ $30.00 each Electrical Outlets: Electrical Outlets @ $80.00 per table Sponsorships: Platinum Sponsorships @ $1,000.00 Gold Event Sponsorships @ $500.00 Silver Event Sponsorships @ $250.00Questions:Vendors Day Questions? Contact Ron Lopez, 310-932172 or email us at: socalvdays@gmail.comRegistration: Online registration is available for this event. Please note- In order to register for an event, you must log into the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have an account in the system prior to registering. Once you have logged in, the page will show you the prices as well as a “register myself” button. You must click on the “Register Myself” button before you can click on any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the “register myself” button).If you do not make a selection from the options, you will not be registered for this eventIf you would like to register for the SoCal Golf Tournament,please click HERE