SCTE Chapter Technical Training

South Florida Chapter Grounding and Testing Seminar

April 24, 2018

1401 Northpoint Parkway
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

South Florida Chapter Grounding & Testing SeminarPresenter: Ed Rousselot, MeggerTime: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PMDescription:- What is a“Ground” and why is it important to have a “good” one – We aren’t going todwell on this.- Soilresistivity and soil resistance – We are not concerned with the numbers, justto understand better what we already know, some soils make better grounds thanothers. This difference varies with allkinds of things such as depth, (sometimes getting better and sometimes gettingworse when we go deeper) season, climate changing and changes to the area. While we aren’t going to dwell on how thiscan be measured and used to tell how we need to construct a ground to achieve acertain resistance.- Considerationswith installing a Ground Electrode System (for our purposes, “rods”) What are things that a technician or an OSPengineer can do to affect the resistance of a ground. There are a lot of things that we “know”about grounds that aren’t true. Whatsimple things can we do that can make our grounds better?- Measurethe effectiveness of the ground electrode system by means of ground testing- Stake-typeor Fall-of-Potential- Clamp-typeTesting: Clamp ground testers are so easy to use that they are easy tomisuse. How do we know when we are usingone correctly? Location:Comcast1401 Northpoint ParkwayWest Palm Beach, FL 33407POC: John Downing (561)818-3928Registration: Onlineregistration is available for this event. Please note- In order to register for an event, you must loginto the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member butyou must have an account in the system prior to registering. Onceyou have logged in, the page will show you the prices as well as a “register myself” button. You must click on the “Register Myself” button before you can click on any of the prices (they willbe grayed out prior to clicking the “register myself” button).You also have the ability to register others from yourcompany. Please click on “Register Someone Else” anduse the search option to find members ornon-members who have a record in the database. If not found, you can createa basic record for new participants. Please include thefull name, company, email and chapter