SCTE TechExpo Documents

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Internet Service Providers and Cybersecurity Device Identification and Security at the Edge (Presentation) Scott Dotto, Justinas Bisikirskas, Kyle Johnson, Leonardas Marozas, Tyson Vinson 2023 Download
The New Explosion of Social Engineering: Defensive Techniques to Manage the Risk Abdul Saleem, Poornasakthi Sivaraman 2023 Download
The New Explosion of Social Engineering: Defensive Techniques to Manage the Risk (Presentation) Abdul Saleem, Poornasakthi Sivaraman 2023 Download
How to Cook a Duck: The Importance of M-Learning Damián Aguilar Cogan, Fernando Durman 2023 Download
How to Cook a Duck: The Importance of M-Learning (Presentation) Damián Aguilar Cogan, Fernando Durman 2023 Download
Hitting the Target: Measuring the Success of Online Learning Matthew Gress, Sara Williamson, Abbie O'Dell 2023 Download
Hitting the Target: Measuring the Success of Online Learning (Presentation) Matthew Gress, Sara Williamson, Abbie O'Dell 2023 Download
Unlocking the Power of Big Data: “The Key Workforce Skills Operator’s Need for the Future of Analytics” Steven Harris 2023 Download
Unlocking the Power of Big Data: “The Key Workforce Skills Operator’s Need for the Future of Analytics” (Presentation) Steven Harris 2023 Download
Bringing Us Together: Impacts of Learning Cohorts in Technician Onboarding Abbie O'Dell 2023 Download
Bringing Us Together: Impacts of Learning Cohorts in Technician Onboarding (Presentation) Abbie O'Dell 2023 Download
Dynamic Deep Cycling Testing: The Use of Dynamic Deep Cycling Testing to Predict Battery State-of-Health in Outside Plant Environments Michael Nispel, Alexander Falcon, Kang Lin, Paul Schauer, Cory Thompson 2023 Download
Dynamic Deep Cycling: Testing The Use of Dynamic Deep Cycling Testing to Predict Battery State-of-Health in Outside Plant Environments (Presentation) Michael Nispel, Alexander Falcon, Kang Lin, Paul Schauer, Cory Thompson 2023 Download
Implementing Nanogrid Into the Critical Facility Rahul Khandekar, Ron Slutter, Francisco Paz, Dan Cooper, Greg Laughlin 2023 Download
Focusing (Stored) Energy Where It Matters Most: Optimizing the Impact of Energy Storage in the Access Network (Presentation) Toby Peck, Creighton Brown, Mark Vodopest, Greg Laughlin 2023 Download
Implementing Nanogrid Into the Critical Facility Matthew Stehman, Chris D’Andrea, Ilana Weinstein 2023 Download
Intelligent Outside Plant Power Operations with Machine Learning (Presentation) Matthew Stehman, Chris D'Andrea, Ilana Weinstein 2023 Download
To Kill-A-Watt-Hour, We Recommend to Hot Standby Richard Grivalsky, Brian Allen, Budd Batchelder 2023 Download
To Kill-A-Watt-Hour, We Recommend to Hot Standby (Presentation) Brian Allen 2023 Download
Operational Sustainability: On Achieving Optimal Leverage of the Power Grid with Wi-Fi CPE James R. Flesch, Brian Carroll 2023 Download