Certification Subcommittee Charter
Certification Subcommittee Charter
Article I. Name
Section 1.01 The name of this subcommittee shall be SCTE Certification Subcommittee
Section 1.02 For the purpose of this charter, SCTE Certification Subcommittee is hereinafter referred to as "this subcommittee" or "the subcommittee."
Article II. Statement of Purpose
Section 2.01 This subcommittee is empowered by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers’ Professional Development Committee to develop, direct and administer all certification programs of the Society for the benefit of its members, chapters and the industry as a whole according to the objectives set for in the bylaws of the Society. The certification programs developed by the subcommittee should serve to raise the professional competence in the practice of individuals in the cable telecommunications industry and to encourage those individuals to continue their professional development.
Article III. Membership
Section 3.01 This subcommittee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) members.
Section 3.02 Membership on the subcommittee shall be limited to a voluntary basis only. Potential members shall be invited to join and the subcommittee shall vote upon their membership.
Section 3.03 There shall be a three consecutive two-year term (six consecutive years total) restriction placed on membership in the subcommittee. Any member may serve on the subcommittee for no longer than three consecutive terms of two years each.
Section 3.04 Any voting member having more than two unexcused absences from a regularly scheduled subcommittee meeting in any consecutive twelve (12) month period shall be automatically removed from the subcommittee.
Section 3.05 The same company shall employ no more than 50% of the voting members of this subcommittee. (For purposes of this charter, any company in which the parent organization has controlling interest is considered to be the same company.)
Section 3.06 Guests may be invited to attend a meeting of the subcommittee. Guests shall have no vote in any matter before the subcommittee and may be asked to excuse themselves from the meeting for discussion that may be deemed to be of a sensitive nature or one in which the guest may have a vested interest.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 4.01 Subcommittee meetings shall be held a minimum of four times each calendar year.
Section 4.02 The number of voting members attending any called meeting, either in person or via conference call, shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise specified in this charter, business shall be transacted by a simple majority of the quorum.
Section 4.03 The minimum requirement for the agenda of any regular meeting of the subcommittee shall be as follows:
A. The status of all current workgroups and any special projects the subcommittee has taken on.
B. Any new projects to be considered by the subcommittee.
C. Current status of the subcommittee and any special tasks assigned to it by the Professional Development Committee.
Section 4.04 Special meetings may be scheduled from time to time as required to accomplish the objectives of the subcommittee.
Article V. Officers
Section 5.01 The officers of the subcommittee shall be a chairperson and a recording secretary.
Section 5.02 The chairperson of the subcommittee will be appointed by the SCTE Professional Development Committee chairperson.
Section 5.03 The subcommittee shall elect its recording secretary from among its voting members.
Section 5.04 Elected officers of the subcommittee shall serve a term of one (1) year each.
Section 5.05 There shall be no restrictions placed on the number of times any officer may be re-elected to the same office.
Section 5.06 No officer of the subcommittee shall hold more than one office at any given time.
Article VI. Elections
Section 6.01 Elections for the subcommittee’s recording secretary shall be held at the first subcommittee meeting of each calendar year.
Section 6.02 Nominations shall be by voice ballot.
Section 6.03 Election to office shall be by secret ballot.
Section 6.04 Nomination and election votes are limited solely to the voting members of this subcommittee. Votes will be counted during the election meeting.
Section 6.05 In the event the office of recording secretary becomes vacant prior to the end of the term, a special election shall be called.
Article VII. Duties and Responsibilities
Section 7.01 Subcommittee Chairperson shall:
A. Call the meeting, set the agenda, and conduct the meeting using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide.
B. In the event the recording secretary office is vacated prior to the expiration of the elected term, call a special election.
C. Provide a quarterly subcommittee report to SCTE Professional Development Committee. The quarterly report shall contain a summary of the respective quarter’s activities including:
(1) Status of current working groups and projects
(2) New projects to be implemented
(3) Current status of the subcommittee and any special tasks assigned by the SCTE Professional Development Committee
Section 7.02 Recording Secretary shall:
A. Record, maintain, and report the proceedings of the subcommittee meetings.
B. Provide a copy of the minutes to each subcommittee member and to the chairperson of the SCTE Professional Development Committee within thirty (30) days of the subcommittee meeting.
C. Maintain the roster of the subcommittee membership.
D. In the event that the office of the chair of the subcommittee is vacated prior to the expiration of the elected term, sit as acting chair until the Professional Development Committee chair names a new chairperson.
E. Provide notice to all members of the subcommittee of upcoming meeting dates and times.
Article VIII. Working Groups
Section 8.01 This subcommittee may establish working groups, as required, to assist in development, implementation, and oversight of programs and shall dissolve any working group when that working group has completed its charge.
A. A new working group is formed when the subcommittee has adopted a charter stating the scope and objectives of the working group.
Section 8.02 The current chairperson of the subcommittee shall appoint chairpersons for each working group when the current working group chairperson’s term has expired.
Section 8.03 Chairs of each working group will provide the subcommittee chair with an up-to-date report on the progress of each of their working groups at least 10 days prior to any regularly scheduled meeting of the subcommittee.
Article IX. Amendments
Section 9.01 This charter may be amended by the subcommittee and requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all subcommittee members in favor of the proposed amendment(s) and final approval of the proposed amendment(s) by the SCTE Professional Development Committee.
Section 9.02 A current copy of this charter and all amendments shall be retained at SCTE Headquarters and made available to any SCTE member upon request.