CLC Schedule
Chapter Leadership Conference 2023 Schedule
At the annual Chapter Leadership Conference (CLC) attendees share best practices, exchange ideas, and celebrate successes through a series of seminars, panel presentations, and networking sessions. The 2023 conference will be held March 29-30 in Oklahoma City, OK. Below is a tentative schedule.
Schedule is subject to change.
Wednesday, March 29
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Balinese Room
Vendor Showcase
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Grand Ballroom Pre-Function Area
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Welcome & Opening General Session
12:30 - 1 p.m.
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Keynote: Partnership is the New Leadership
1-2:15 p.m.
Ty Bennett
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Networking Break sponsored by Broadband International
2:15 – 2:30 p.m.
Fireside Chat
2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Mark Dzuban, President & CEO of SCTE
Guy McCormick, Cox Communications, Chair, SCTE Board of Directors
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Chapters: ReEnergize
3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Moderator: Robin Fenton, SCTE, Vice President Membership & Learning Operations
Mark Adams, Cox Communications, Chattahoochee Chapter
Sam Acoff, Comcast Cable Communications, Great Lakes Chapter
Dan Levac, PLP, Buckeye State Chapter
Abbie O'Dell, Charter Communication, Rocky Mountain Chapter
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Group Photo
4:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Motor Court Stairs
Welcome Reception sponsored by PPC
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Venetian Ballroom, 14th Floor
Group Dinners
7 p.m.
Sign ups
Thursday, March 30
7:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Balinese Room
Vendor Showcase
7:30 - 2:30 p.m
Grand Ballroom Pre-Function Area
Breakfast & Officer Roundtables
8 - 9 a.m.
Grand Ballroom Pre-Function and Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Concurrent Training Sessions
9 - 10:15 a.m.
- All Aboard the Training Train* – Centennial 1/2
- What I Wish I Knew* – Grand Ballroom B/C
- Cracking the Matrix – Crystal Room
- What’s Their Why? – Centennial 3
Break sponsored by Broadband International
10:15 - 10:30 a.m.
Concurrent Training Sessions
10:30 - 11:45 a.m.
- All Aboard the Training Train* – Centennial 1/2
- Office Hour Live! - Grand Ballroom B/C
- Worklife Balance, or Blend?* - Centennial 3
- Relationship Goals – Crystal Room
Lunch & Chapter Awards Ceremony sponsored by Amphenol Broadband
12 noon - 1:15 p.m.
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Quick Connections with Award Winners
1:15 - 2:15 p.m.
Vendor Showcase Plus: Calix
2:15 - 2:20 p.m.
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Concurrent Training Sessions
2:30 - 3:45 p.m.
- Building High Performing Teams – Grand Ballroom B/C
- What I Wish I Knew* – Centennial 1/2
- Worklife Balance, or Blend?* - Crystal Room
- Connecting the Generations – Centennial 3
Break sponsored by Broadband International
3:45 - 4 p.m.
Convergence: The Intersection of Technology and Services
4 - 5 p.m.
- Guy McCormick, Cox Communications
- Jon Pederson, Midco
- David Debrecht, CableLabs
- Moderated by Chris Bastian, SCTE
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Wrap Up & Raffles
5 - 5:15 p.m.
Grand Ballrooms D, E, F
Reception hosted by SCTE Sooner State Chapter
6-9 p.m.
Venetian Ballroom, 14th Floor
Concurrent Sessions
All Aboard the Training Train*
SCTE’s mission is to provide technical leadership for the telecommunications industry. But… how are we doing that? Hear what’s new in SCTE training and leave with three action items to ignite interest in learning in your chapter.
Mike LaPierre, Piedmont Chapter
Aaron Rush, ATX, Ontario Chapter
Dennis Russell, Madison Communication, Gateway Chapter
Jill Banks, Director, Learning Operations, SCTE
What I Wish I Knew*
Hear what experienced SCTE leaders wish they knew when they started their SCTE leadership journey. You will leave with ideas to implement immediately that will improve your chapter and lessen your volunteer workload.
Mark Adams, Cox Communications, Chattahoochee Chapter
Tommy Nolen, Conway Corp, Razorback Chapter
Mike O’Dell, Comcast Cable Communications, Penn-Ohio Chapter
Robin Fenton, Vice President Membership & Learning, SCTE
Cracking the Matrix
Examine in-depth the items on the chapter compliance and awards matrix, review recent changes and get hints and tips on how a chapter can successfully crack the awards matrix and reap the rewards.
Nadia Organtini, Chapter Relations Administrator, SCTE
What’s Their Why?
We’ve all been on a team where someone doesn’t pull their weight. Hear how to motivate, encourage and delegate chapter volunteers to share responsibilities and create positive learning experiences for SCTE members. Learn how to communicate the chapter’s needs and expectations.
Jessica Brill, Director, Chapter Relations, SCTE
Worklife Balance, or Blend?*
The struggle is real to meet the requirements and expectations in all aspects of life. Get tips and tools to help you learn to prioritize the various aspects of your life, your commitments and obligations, and when it’s OK to say no.
Lori Lantz, Chief People Officer, CableLabs
Office Hour LIVE!
Bring your questions, comments, and concerns to this interactive session with the chapter relations team. We will review upcoming tasks, field questions, and help troubleshoot pain points. Get feedback from staff and chapter leaders in the “audience”.
Nadia Organtini, Chapter Relations Administrator, SCTE
Jessica Brill, Director, Chapter Relations, SCTE
Robin Fenton, Vice President Membership & Learning, SCTE
Relationship Goals
Learn how to foster relationships with operator leadership, vendors, and members. Get ideas to increase participation in your chapter’s vendor day and training events. Hear how the SCTE team manages relationships with stakeholders to bolster support for the Society.
Mark Davies, CableLabs
Randy Westrick, CableLabs
Larry Foland, CableLabs
Building High Performing Teams
They say you attract more bees with honey. What’s the honey to attract more volunteers with fresh ideas and untapped enthusiasm? Examine how to channel new volunteers into your chapter’s succession plan. Also, what’s the honey to attract new chapter members, grow your event attendance, and start the volunteer pipeline?
Robert Brown, Cox Communications, Cactus Chapter
David Brose, TAK Communication, Badger State Chapter
Sam Acoff, Comcast Cable Communications, Great Lakes Chapter
Chris Lammers, Emeritus COO and Senior Executive Advisor for CableLabs
Connecting the Generations
Like the differences between fax machines and TikTok, the way employees interact with each other, leaders and teams varies based on their perspective and experience. Examine the many generations in the workforce today and gain tools and resources to collaborate across the generational divides to increase involvement in your chapter.
Jessica Brill, Director, Chapter Relations, SCTE
Keynote - Partnership is the New Leadership Keynote Presentation
Partnership, communication, inclusion, and connection have become game-changers. Ultimately, we are in the people business, which is, without question, the business of building relationships. How? Using specific, time-tested skills and solutions to cultivate trust. Encourage collaboration. Deliver value. Inspire ideas and insights. And yes, fuel commitment amongst team members to do more, reach higher, and develop their own leadership skills.
Presenter: Ty Bennett
General Sessions
Fireside Chat
The powerhouse partners leading SCTE into the future will discuss the ways SCTE is utilizing Opportunity. Knowledge. Connection. to continue innovating and leading the cable and broadband industry.
Mark Dzuban, CEO of SCTE
Guy McCormick, Cox Communications, Chair, SCTE Board of Directors
Chapters: ReEnergize
SCTE’s partnership with CableLabs has shattered the limits of what we can accomplish on our own. Hear how a group of volunteers is evaluating and shaping the next iteration of SCTE chapters.
Moderator: Robin Fenton
Mark Adams, Cox Communications, Chattahoochee Chapter
Sam Acoff, Comcast Cable Communications, Great Lakes Chapter
Dan Levac, PLP, Buckeye State Chapter
*session repeats