Communications Technology Article Index
SCTE Technical Columns: Communications Technology Article Index
Official archives of articles and columns written by Ron Hranac for Communications Technology and some of its sister publications, published by Access Intelligence, LLC. Reprinted with permission of the author.
January: Mid-Day Report Ron's SCTE Cable-Tec Expo Wrap-Up
February: Understanding Real World MER Measurements (Part 1); 1Q12 Communications Technology
March: Untangling Some of the Confusion
May: Understanding Real World MER Measurements (Part 2) 2Q12 Communications Technology; A Leak Is A Leak…Or Is It? Mid-Day Report
July: The Antenna Factor 3Q12 Communications Technology
August: Even More On LTE Interface
October: Spectral Efficiency 4Q12 Communications Technology
November: What is OFDM? Mid-Day Report
January: Understanding Constant Power-Per-Carrier
February: What’s A Codeword Or Two Among Friends? ; ‘Did You Know?’Q&A Wrap-Up: Hranac Tackles The Tough Ones Feature
March: Our Old Friend CNR
April: Digital Proofs or Not: (Part 1)
May: Digital Proofs or Not: (Part Two)
June: Just How Strong is that Ingress?
July: dBmV: Voltage or Power? (Part 1)
August/September: dBmV: Voltage or Power? (Part 2)
October: Some Thoughts on LTE Interface
November: Some Thoughts on LTE Interface (Part 2)
December: What is RF? It's Like Magic
January: Is MER Overrated?
February: F Connector Tightness
March: Velocity of Propagation
April: Total Power and Channel Bonding
May: A Quarter Century of Words
June: Digital Levels in the Aeronautical Bands
July: When Digital Really Is Analog and Other Things You May Not Know
August: Total Power and Channel Bonding: A Follow-Up Lesson
September: Update: The Interference Report Card
October: A Novel Approach to Troubleshooting LInear Distortions
November: Why Use Terminators?
December: Cable-Tec Expo Show Pics
January: DTV Transition
February: Signal Leakage in an All-Digital Network
March: Report Card: Making the HDTV Plunge
April: Another Look at Upstream 64-QAM
May: Signal Leakage in an All Digital Network: The Continuing Story; "QAM Signals on Spectrum Analyzers" feature
June: It's a 'Green' Thing
July: Upstream CNR
August: Making MER Better: Part 1
September: Making MER Better: Part II
October: Happy Birthday SCTE!
November: What is a Micro-Reflection?
December: Cable-Tec Expo Show Picks
January: Chemistry Class
February: RF CNR vs Baseband Video SNR
March: Transient Voltage Surge Suppression
April: Silly Cable Tech Terms
May: The Grounding Effectiveness at RF
June: The Mathematics of Field Strength Measurements
July: Finding Spectrum for Channel Bonding
August: Cable-Tec Expo Show Picks
September: How Fast is RF?
October: Total Power
November: Total Power Part 2
December: Counting Channels
January: Modulation Error Ratio
February: Equalized or Unequalized That is the Question
March: SCTE Active Status
April: Upstream 64-QAM Success Story
May: What's a QAM?
June: Big Numbers and Small Numbers; Digital Transmission, Part 1Part One feature, Currivan/Hranac paper
July: The Need for Speed; Digital Transmission Part 2 feature, Currivan/Hranac paper
July: The Need for Speed
August: Cable-Tec Expo Show Picks; DOCSIS 3.0: How to Weigh the Costs and Benefits feature, Bob Loveless
September: What's Your CNR?
October: A Closer Look at BER Part 1
November: A Closer Look at BER Part 2
December: Service Availability
January: Those Pesky Bit Errors
February: VolP Service Calls
March: DOCSIS 30
April: CMTS Upstream SNR Revisited
May: Cable Modem Upstream Signal Levels
June: More on Cable Modem Upstream Signal Levels; Digital Troubleshooting, Part 1 feature
July: Self Terminating Taps and Micro-reflections; Troubleshooting Digitally Modulated Signals, Part 2
August: Expo Show Picks
September: One for the X-Files
October: The Power of QAM
November: Migrating to All Digital
December: Migrating to All Digital Part 2
January: Signal Leackage and the VolP
February: Confessions and a Great Customer Service Story
March: Does Cable Need Its Own Geek Squad?
April: Advanced PHY
June: Online Resources
Linear Liniear Distortions, Part 1
August: Expo 2005 Show Picks; Linear Distortions, Part 2 feature
September: Downstream Power Measurements
October: Return Loss
November: Self Installs: Necessary Evil or Unnecessary Evil?
December: Impedance Mismatches and Reflections
January: Losing the Last Mile War
February: Farewell, Memories and Western Show Picks
March: Microreflections and 16-QAM
April: Power and Grounding
June: Digitally Modulated Carrier CNR
July: Wi-Fi Security
August: Expo '04 Show Picks
September: Making the Best Better
October: VolP Reliability
November: Deploying VolP Reliability on the Outside Plant Part 2
December: BPL: The New Kid on the Block
February: Broadband Plus Show Picks
March: CNR Versus SNR
April: Interference Report Card
June: A Trip to the Library
July: Expo '03: Broadband Engineering Looks Fit in Philly
August: Frequency Offsets
September: Spectrum Analyzer CNR Versus CMTS SNR
September: More on CMT SNR
November: IP Train
December: Wordsmith