SCTE was built upon member involvement, and today, SCTE still relies on members to provide the direction and leadership necessary to keep its programs and services relevant to the industry.
Governance and Structure
SCTE provides its members with opportunities to gain recognition, respect, and pride as volunteer leader. Members can allow their voices to be heard by becoming an officer at their local SCTE chapter where they can influence the direction of its programs to keep them pertinent to the needs of its members. Members can also share their high-level leadership expertise and vision by earning a position on the National SCTE Board of Directors or an SCTE Program Committee. There they can give back to the industry as they apply executive leadership and management skills to guide the Society and shape the future of the cable telecommunications industry.
SCTE's Board of Directors comprises of industry leaders from throughout North America. SCTE is also guided by numerous Program Committees. Since the voices of members help shape SCTE's future, all members should become active with the Society. Do your part to get involved with SCTE, either on a local or national level, and add value to SCTE and the industry.
For more information on the governance structure of SCTE, please view the SCTE Bylaws.

SCTE Committees
SCTE’s committees are an essential element of the Society. Each committee reports to the Board of Directors. To become involved, please contact the committee chair. Participation may be limited as determined by the committee charter.
Board of Directors

Regional Representatives

SCTE Bylaws

Policies & Procedures

SCTE Foundation
