White Papers Archives
SCTE White Papers focus on new technologies and solutions being deployed within the telecommunications industry. Derived from the papers will be the implications of this technology to various segments of operators' organizations, clearly defining how these new technologies will impact their organization and their specific responsibilities. Topics include:
- Deployment Outlook
- Budgeting Needs
- Network Upgrades
- Workforce Training
Featured White Paper
Running Out of Bandwidth? Take a Fresh Look at 100G
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Service Provider Wi-Fi: Authorization Options for the Mobile Network Operator
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While cable television Multiple System Operators (Cable MSOs) have alerting mechanisms and are equipped to deal with "right now, hard down" critical outages, oftentimes smaller and intermittent outages are much harder to detect and can be altogether missed for extended periods of time. But customers notice these intermittent outages - especially business customers - and some of these intermittent outages are the precursors of much larger outages. The good news is there are clues that can clearly point operations teams to concentrations of outage risk. The bad news is these clues are too often imprisoned in disparate databases. A solution is found by carefully classifying, scoring and combining maintenance activities, telephone calls from troubled subscribers, truck rolls and network telemetry - resulting in timely identification of otherwise undetected outages.
By Robert F. Cruickshank III, Chief Technology Officer, Rev2 and Matt Bell, Managing Director, Teambell Consulting
Deploying Enhanced Media Services with MoCA®
SCTE and Spirent Communications have teamed to create the first implication paper – Deploying Enhanced Media Services with MoCA®. This paper introduces the implications and benefits of deploying a home MoCA® network for the MSO to support DVR sharing and other future media sharing services.
If you are member, log in to access the implications or download the entire document. If you are not a member, join today for access to SCTE White Papers.
Access the implications or download the paper: Deploying Enhanced Media Services with MoCA®
If you would like to submit a Feature White Paper, please e-mail info@scte.org. Also, additional papers can be found in the Knowledge Resource Collection.