SCTE 290 2024

Service and Network Reliability Measurements and Use Cases

1.1. Executive Summary

Broadband networks are continuously evolving to include the 10G Platform advancing the bandwidth and reliability available to our subscribers. There are four pillars that make up the 10G Platform, including: 1. Speed, 2. Latency, 3. Reliability, and 4. Security. With continuous innovation and expansion, industry service providers require new and advanced tools and measurement techniques to support the networks and services of today and tomorrow. What has emerged recently is the focus on customers’ views of reliability. This position relates to service reliability, though network reliability remains a strong focus due to its impact on service. Ultimately the purpose of this operational practice is to aid broadband service providers and equipment vendors with a common reference for assuring the highest availability and reliability of network and service offerings.

1.2. Scope

The scope of this operational practice includes:

  • measurement definitions,
  • how the measurement definitions relate to service and network reliability,
  • the importance of tracking and how to interpret statistics, and
  • discussion about use cases aligning to the measurements for network and service reliability.

The focus of this document is on both service and networks as defined for the broadband industry. As such, it applies to the services provided and to the networks and technologies used to enable those services. Network performance is also in scope because service reliability is supported by network performance.

1.3. Benefits

The information in this operational practice can be used as a resource by the broadband industry to help achieve the highest network and service reliability. When the practices in this document are implemented, an operator has the visibility necessary to manage service and network reliability. A comprehensive solution will enable the operator to lower operations costs as they improve service and network reliability. Through measurement and then management of the key performance indicators defined in this practice, operators can improve their networks more methodically. By sharing practices across companies in the industry, the entire industry is more efficient on the path to continuous improvement of technology management and network and service operations.

1.4. Intended Audience

This operational practice is intended for operations and technical personnel from broadband operators and equipment vendors.