The Broadband Premises Installation and Service Guidebook partially prepares broadband premises professionals for the SCTEoISBE Broadband Premises Installer (BPI) and the SCTEoISBE Broadband Premises Technician (BPT) certifications. Full preparation for those exams can be found by taking the Broadband Premises Installation and Service interactive course which covers all of the knowledge required to install, maintain and troubleshoot triple play services (video, voice, and data) for cable telecommunications customers. This book can take up to 10 days for delivery.Discounts are available for orders of 25 or more. Contact SCTE at include: Cable Networks and InstallationSafe Work Practices on the JobSafe Work Practices Driving & EnvironmentCustomer ServiceSignaling and Transmission in Cable NetworksInstallation PreparationAerial InstallationUnderground InstallationBonding and GroundingPremises WiringEquipment in the HomeTest Equipment and Common MeasurementsEquipment Installation (Video)Equipment Installation (Data)Equipment Installation (Voice)Troubleshooting and RepairPremises Signal ConfigurationPublished: 2021