April 6, 2016
Jasper Hotel
Function Hall
489 Elizabeth St
Melbourne, Australia
SCTE Australasia Meeting group invites you to attend our March 2017 members meeting on Wednesday, March 29th 2017 at Jasper Hotel, Melbourne between 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM. The event will be excited with the presentation from ARRIS, Australia on the topic of “HFC and How it Continues to Evolve”. In addition, there will be special guests from ARRIS, where you get opportunity to network and find the trends from these leaders at end of the event. Special Guests:1. John Caezza - SVP, Product Management, ARRIS2. Paul Leung - VP of Sales Engineering APAC, ARRIS If you are planning on join the meeting remotely, please use below teleconference details. Teleconference Details: Join WebEx meeting Meeting number (access code): 595 968 200 Join by phone +61 2 8188 7197Access code: 595 968 200