May 8, 2019
Charter Tech Center
3760 Interchange Dr
Columbus, OH 43228
The Buckeye State Chapter Cable-Tec Games and ChapterAppreciation LunchDate: Wednesday,May 8th Location: Charter Tech Center 3760Interchange Drive Columbus,OH 43228Schedule:Registration: 7:30 – 8:30amGames Begin 8:30amLunch/Training NoonAwards: 2:00pmThere is no cost to attend or compete. Please RSVP so we can get a lunch count. The Buckeye State Chapter plans on 10 teams maximum. Enter Early! Come watch and cheer on yourteam!!Questions:james.battaglia@charter.comRegistration:Onlineregistration is available for this event. Please note- In order to register for an event, you must loginto the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member butyou must have an account in the system prior to registering. Onceyou have logged in, the page will show you the prices as well as a “register myself” button. You must click on the “Register Myself” button before you can click on any of the prices (they willbe grayed out prior to clicking the “register myself” button).Pleasecomplete the registration by clicking on "Proceed to check out". Ifyou are a SCTE-ISBE member, there is no charge to attend however theregistration is not completed until you click on "Submit Order". Youwill receive a confirming email.