October 23, 2019
RP Funding Center
701 W Lime St
Lakeland, FL 33815
Central Florida Chapter 2019 Vendor Show and Cable-TecGames- Attendee InformationTechnical Sessions and Certification testing will beprovidedLocation:RP Funding Center701 W Lime St.Lakeland, FL 33815Schedule:Wednesday, October 23rd Cable-Tec Games- from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.Thursday, October 24thVendor Show-9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.Technical Sessions- 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.Lunch at 12:00 p.m.There is no charge to attend but we would like to know if you are attending the Vendor Show, Lunch, Cable-Tec Games, Attending tech sessionsDuring registration, please indicate your participation foreach item and "Save Response"Questions:Event Questions: info@strategiceventsgroup.comSCTE Membership or log in assistance, please contact info@scte.orgRegistration:Onlineregistration is available for this event. Please note- In order toregister for an event, you must log into the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have an account in the system priorto registering. Once you have logged in, the page will show you theprices as well as a “register myself”button. You must click on the “Register Myself”button before you can clickon any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the “registermyself” button).If assistance is needed for logging in, please contact info@scte.orgPleasecomplete the registration by clicking on "Proceed to check out". There is NO CHARGE to attend however theregistration is not completed until you click on "Submit Order". Youwill receive a confirming email.