December 13, 2017
Hossier Park Casino
4500 Dan Patch Circle
Anderson, IN 46013
Central Indiana Chapter WiFi and PON Training-This training will be split into two separate training sessions. There will be a morning session and afternoon session. The morning session will cover WIFI and will be hosted by Trilithic. The Afternoon session will be an overview of PON Technologies and Architectures.Topic:AM: WIFI- Everything Wi-Fi presented by Chris Hoyt from TrilithicPM: PON- Overview of PON Technologies and System Architectures presented by Kevin O Neill, ArrisDate: Wednesday, December 13th 2017Location:Hoosier Park Racing & Casino 4500 Dan Patch Circle Anderson, Indiana 46013Time:- 8:30 – 9:00 Meeting Attendees Sign-in & Networking- 9:00 – 12:00 AM Session-Training / Meeting (WIFI)- 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Served Second Session Sign-in.- 1:00 – 4:00 PM Session-Training / Meeting (PON Technologies and System Architectures) Admission:- Members sign-up 7 days in advance $20.00- Members Sign-up at event $25.00- Non-Members $30.00(Lunch included with admissions)Questions: Ed Carroll