August 27, 2018 – August 28, 2018
Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort
4021 Lakeview Dr
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Chattahoochee Chapter Vendor Day and Golf Outing:Wherethe world of technology and engineering meets our members. We have agreat day planned with technology displays and keynote speakers!Agenda: MondayAugust 27, 201812:00pm– Registration for Vendor Day Opens1:00pm– 5:00pm - Vendor Day Show5:30pm- 6:30pm - Executive / Gold Vendor Reception / Cocktails6:30pm– 8:30pm – Dinner, Tech of the Year, Key Note Speaker Dan Murphy SVP Strategic PlanningComcast Headquarters.Book your Hotel for SCTE Vendor Showcase Questions, please contact the Chattahoochee Chapter Event Team.Aaron Weimer,, 630-688-7015Phil Dente,,678-614-8452Sadie Huene,, 678-640-5821Carolyne Henley,, 678-492-2067Golf Information: Tuesday August 28, 2018:6:30am- 8:00am – Golf Registration Begins, Breakfast and Open Practice8:00am – 1:00pm - Shotgun start - SCTE Golf Event BeginsGolf Contests:- Closest to the pin- Longest Drive- Putting Contest- Lowest Score, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place- Golf will beScramble Format1:00pm –3:00pm - Golf Reception & Lunch at Club House- Burgers, Hot Dogs, GrilledChicken and Fixins.- Awards CeremonyAdditionalDetails and Registration Information available on the following sites: Vendor Day Registration: Golf Registration –