May 11, 2016
Queenstown Harbor Golf
310 Links Lane
Queenstown, MD 21658
Chesapeake Chapter Hospitality Reception May 10, 2016 4PM - 8PM The officers and board of the Chesapeake Chapter will host a hospitality reception the evening before the vendor fair on the rear patio of the Holiday Inn Kent Island. A block of rooms has been set aside at the very low rate of $89.95 per night. Be sure to reference the SCTE Chesapeake Chapter in order to get the discounted rate. For information and directions click on the link below. www.holidaykentisland.comThe 2016 Vendor Day and Golf outing will be held on May 11, 2016 at the Queenstown Harbor Golf Resort in Queenstown Maryland. Vendor set up will begin at 7am on the 11th and the exhibit floor will open at 8am. Continental breakfast will be served during the morning hours. The exhibit hall will close at 12pm followed by lunch and a shotgun start promptly at 1pm for golf.Questions: Please contact Tom Lewis tllewissr@comcast.netRegistration:Online registration is now closed. Please contact Tom Lewis for availability.