October 25, 2016
Billings, MT
The Glacier Teton Chapter would like to invite you to ourtraining on OTDR Settings & Setup; presented by Glad Communications. We will be holding trainings Oct. 25th in Billings MT, Location TBD,and Oct. 27th in Helena MT, Location TBD. Both trainings willbegin at 9:am-3:00pm, lunch will be provided. The cost will be $15.00 forSCTE members, and $20.00 for non-members. If you or your employeesare interested in attending please email Steven.Berg@charter.com for theBillings location, and Ed.Mcfadded@Charter.comfor the Helena location. Below you will find the presentationoutline. Presentation Outline:Did you like Alphabet soup as a kid? DWDM, CWDM, OADM,ROADM…. QPSK, DP-QPSK, FTTH, FTTA, IOT… OMG! Want to learn a little bit aboutwhat some of these acronyms mean? We are facing an ever growing need forbandwidth for important tasks, such as sharing selfies while at the gym! Assuch we have to find novel ways to maximize the use of our current fiber opticinfrastructure, as well as plan for scalable constructions supporting currentand future applications, down the pipeline, such as 400G. You are invited tojoin Heather on an enlightening journey about optical communication, keytechnologies like CWDM and DWDM and related considerations and applications.You will also be exposed to industry best practices, making you a fiber expertin no time.