March 14, 2019
425 Washingtn Street
Claremont, NH 03743
Green Mountain Chapter Fiber WebinarMarch 14, 20199:30 AM to 1:00 PMTopic: Quick overview of Fiber Basics, IBYC Inspect beforeyou connect, PON/CWDM & DWDM overview, OTDR fundamentals, and Hands-On:OTDR, Power Meter, Visual Fault Locator, and Fiber Scopes (Standard and MPO).Speaker: Jeff Harmon, Sr. Systems Engineer for ViaviSolutions To attend webinar:Please register below and join using the following options:Webinar Link: Join by phone:855-211-7745 "United States",,7531915102 Alt ID: 2543450# (ViaviSolutions)Meeting number (access code): 7531915102 Alt ID: 2543450Questions:NatalieHumphries,