SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Iowa Heartland Chapter All Things Fiber Training

November 8, 2017

Kirkwood Community College
1770 Boysen Rd
Hiawatha, IA 52233

Iowa Heartland Chapter All Things Fiber Optics Training SessionsInstructor: Ron Grigsby, RDG TelecomLearn about All Things Fiber Optics during our final training of 2017! For the convenience of technicians in Iowa, we've scheduled live and remote sessions in four different locations on two days. Pick the day, time, and location that works best for your schedule!Wednesday, November 8, 2017Live Session Location:Kirkwood Community College1770 Boysen Road (new location!)Hiawatha, IA 52233 2 sessions will be held: Morning session is 8:30am-11:30amand the afternoon session is 1:00pm-4:00pm. Schedule of Topics1. A brief history of Fiber Optics2. Physical Characteristics 3. Connector types and uses 4. Cleaning & Care 5. Testing Fiber 6. Applications for Fiber Cost: $10.00 for SCTE members, $15.00 for non-members Register for All Things Fiber Optics!