SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Llano Estacado Chapter SKYWARN Training

June 8, 2016

902 S Clack St
Abilene, TX 79605

Llano Estacado Chapter Training: SKYWARN; DangerousWeather conditions, Precautions regarding high winds and weatherSpeaker: Hector Guerra- National Weather Service Time: Please arrive 15 minutes early: 8:30amto 12pmWhere: Abilene: will host the Llano Estacado Chapter June 2016 training on the effectsof dangerous weather. They will also Host a Virtual webinar at this time. Belowis the login information for this training. Use your microphone and speakers(VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. +1 (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 612-205-909 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting To dial in to a telephone Dial 1-866-231-8384Passcode: 3259440526Testing: We will be offering SCTEtesting at this meeting. Questions: Contact Herb Honaker 806-771-6120 E-Mail: