October 31, 2018
Comcast Facility
1000 Russell St
Michigan City, IN 46360
MichianaChapter presents Construction Practices Tips and TricksMemberAppreciation EventWednesday October 31, 2018Location:Comcast1000 Russell StMichigan City, IN 46360Schedule: TwoIdentical sessions will be offered8:00-8:45 Session 1 Registration 8:45 -9:00 TroyMaylum-Michiana Vice President- Introduction 9:00-10:15 ConstructionTips- Jay Castello, Comcast 10:15-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 ConstructionTricks- Jay Castello, Comcast11:45- 12:00 Closing Remarks- TroyMaylum-Michiana Vice President12:30-1:15 Session2- Registration 1:15-1:30 TroyMaylum-Michiana Vice President- Introduction1:30 – 2:45 ConstructionTips, Chris Baker, Comcast2:45-3:00 Break3:00-4:15 Construction Tricks,Chris Baker, Comcast 4:15- 4:30 TroyMaylum-Michiana Vice President, Closing RemarksRegistrationfees:Thereis no charge to attend this trainingQuestions:PetePizarek, Pete_Pizarek@comcast.com