SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Mt. Rainier Chapter MoCA 101 Webinar

February 27, 2019

440 Yauger Way SW
Olympia, WA 98502

Mount Rainier Chapter MoCA 101: Signal Path to SuccessThis training will explain what MoCA is and what MoCA cando. It will provide an in-depth look into the technology well as cover bestpractices on how to properly install MoCA networks and configurations includingMoCA Passives, Amps, and point of entry filters.Presented by Extreme BroadbandDate-Wednesday,February 27, 2018 from 8am to 9amWhere -Comcast – 440 Yauger Way SW, Olympia WAWebinarRegistration: Mt. Rainier - MoCA 101: Signal Path to Success on Feb 27,2019 8:00 AM PST at: registering, you will receive a confirmation emailcontaining information about joining the webinar.Questions: JonBerg,