September 18, 2018
The Links At Northfork
9333 Alpine Dr NW
Ramsey, MN 55303
North Country Chapter Golf OutingLocation:The Links at Northfork9333 Alpine Dr NWRamsey, MN 55303When: September 18th, 2018. Technical Session from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AMTopic: “SWISS” Small Cell, WiFi, IoT (Internet of Things), Security andSurveillance. Presented by Chuck Chapman, Alpha Technologies – TechnologyManagerLunch provided for technical session attendees only.Schedule:12:00 pm shotgun start for the golf event. BBQ after the golf has completed. Fees:SCTE-ISBE Members are FREE- log in to receive this rateNon SCTE-ISBE Members- $66.00 per person Questions: Please contact Jeff Fischer for further informationjeff.fischer@aflglobal.comRegistration:Onlineregistration is available for this event. Please note- In order toregister for an event, you must log into the website or create a profile. You don’t need to be a member but you must have an account in the system priorto registering. Once you have logged in, the page will show you theprices as well as a “register myself”button. You must click on the “Register Myself”button before you can clickon any of the prices (they will be grayed out prior to clicking the “registermyself” button).Pleasecomplete the registration by clicking on "Proceed to check out". Ifyou are a SCTE-ISBE member, there is no charge to attend however theregistration is not completed until you click on "Submit Order". Youwill receive a confirming email.