November 15, 2019
459 E 51st Ave
Denver, CO 80216
Rocky Mountain Chapter Field DayNovember 15th, 2019SEFNCO is opening their doors to the Rocky Mountain SCTEmembership and friends to learn more about what your contractors are doing foryou! Come join us for a tour of construction equipment, lift trucks,directional drilling equipment, vacuumtrucks, fiber splicing trailers, etc., followed by an open forum "ask theexperts" presentation and panel on "Everything you ever wanted toknow about cable!"Location:SEFNCO459 East 51st AveDenver, 802162:30 pm to 5:00 pmAgenda:2:30 - 3:00 Tourof SEFNCO facility3:00 - 4:00 Presentation: Everything you ever wanted to know about cable4:00 - 5:00 Panel: Ask the experts what you want to know about cable but didn't knowwhom to ask Please RSVP by email or text303-726-1596 if you plan to attend or have any questions about the event.