SCTE Chapter Technical Training

San Diego Chapter Webinar

February 17, 2016

Time Warner and Cox Communications
San Diego, CA

RSVP for our upcoming “Webinar Only Delivery” Technical Session: When: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 The presentation: SCTE Certifications and Benefits - Certification Discussion Points - Certification is a method of proving your knowledge. - SCTE certifications currently available. - Where to locate detailed information regarding SCTE Certifications. - Certification exams fees and what if I fail an exam? - Do I need to be a SCTE Member to purchase an exam? - How and where certification exams are administered? - Once I pass a certification do I need to re-certification at some point? - SCTE Benefits Our presenter: Bryan Crisler, Sr. Network Engineer for Time Warner Cable Session Times: Two duplicate sessions/locations to serve your scheduling needs. Please join us for one of the following... * Morning session - 8am to 10am or Afternoon session - 1pm to 3pm Location: This is a webinar only offering in San Diego and will be produced live courtesy of the SCTE Desert Chapter. A minimum of 5 attendees is required to receive access to the Webcast. Please contact Maggie Robles to have your site listed as an access location and to confirm the RSVP. A webinar attendance sign-in roster is available here for the required record of attendance. TimeWarner San Diego – Pacific Center Ct; Cox Communications –Federal Blvd. Please RSVP to confirm your attendance: Maggie Robles SCTE San Diego Chapter, Asst. Secretary at or (619-266-5280)