SCTE Chapter Vendor Days, Cable-Tec Games & Golf

Sierra Chapter Golf Event

June 12, 2018

The Club At Arrow Creek
2905 Arrow Creek Pkwy
Reno, NV 89511

Sierra Chapter Reception and Golf EventEvening Reception-June 11, 2018 (Monday) The Sierra Chapter will be hosting an Open Reception at thePeppermill Resort on Monday June 11th evening (the night before golf) 5pm to8pm at the Peppermill's Terrace Lounge. Appetizers and Drinks served. Onthe floor will be special guests from Comcast! This is a social event open to all, please join us! Hotel Info: Peppermill 2707 S Virginia StReno, NV 89502(866)821-9996There is a special rate for SCTE guests staying at thePeppermill - $80 (+$25 resort fee) must make your reservations by May 31st 2018 to receivethis rate. Golf Event + Dinner w/Speaker Panel from Comcast andCharter!!! June 12th 2018 (Tuesday)The Club at ArrowCreek – Reno, NVGolf Registration 11:30am SHARP Shotgun Start at 1pm Registration:ContactDon Dyer to register: 916-338-7442 or 916-275-7756 Link to Golf Course:$520 for Foursome - $165 for Single *Includes green fees, cart, lunch andprizesSponsorship signs $175Goodie Bag Sponsor $500 Registration Deadline is May 31st 2018