SCTE Chapter Technical Training

Sooner State Chapter Safety Seminar

May 17, 2017

2004 N Yellowood Ave
Broken Arrow, OK 74012

Sooner State Chapter Safety TrainingTopic: Operation Lifesaver is a program to present highway / rail-grade crossing safety to organizations in Northeastern Oklahoma.Presented by Kent Edwards, Occupation: HS Science Teacher. Kent has been instrumental in helping the Wichita Service Unit in getting the message out to stop at all RR crossings. He is a part of a team on the Service Unit that helps educate the various Schools and Companies, to always be aware around train tracks. The goal is Safety around the Crossings, to help save lives. The presentations is offered free and has been a key in lowering track incidents across Oklahoma and nationwide.Topic: Okie 811 Topic summary: Understanding the “Oklahoma Underground facility damage prevention act” and how to utilize OKIE811.The program will review the law , the different ticket types, how to properly enter a locate request via the app or the web; generally everything you need to know about OKIE811.Presented by Brenda Hoefar, Damage Prevention, Oklahoma One Call System, Inc Both programs will be presented at both sessions.The first day is in Tulsa and the second day in Oklahoma City.Admission: Free - RSVP is requested at training* Plan now to attend one of the two training session locations:May 17, 20178:30 AM to 11:00 AM CSTLocation:Budco 2004 N Yellowood AveBroken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 May 18, 20178:30 AM to 11:00 AM CSTLocation:Francis Tuttle Technology Center12777 N. Rockwell Ave- Admin Bldg, Room B1035Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73142