
FTTx Working Group

The goal of the FTTx working group is to define the competencies required by the workforce for fiber related training and certification. The areas included are fiber deep, DAA, FTTx, EPON, GPON, RFoG and other fiber transport technologies. 


<section class="gutter-x max-w-6xl mx-auto my-20"> <div class="auto overflow-x"> <div class="pb-2 align-middle inline-block min-w-full"> <div class="border border-gray-200 overflow-hidden sm:rounded-md"> <table data-tablesort class="min-w-full"> <thead class="bg-teal-500"> <tr> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> Company </span> </div> </th> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> Name </span> </div> </th> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> Title </span> </div> </th> <th class="px-4 py-3 text-left" scope="col"data-sort-method="none" > <div class="flex items-center"> <span class="font-sans text-sm text-white"> Email </span> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="divide-y-2 divide-gray-200"> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Comcast University </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Peter Negrete </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Exec. Dir. XOC </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Cox </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Walter Landry </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Dir. Technology Learning </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > MIDCO </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Tom Heier </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Corp. Eng. Mgr. </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Altice USA </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Jon McClanhan, Chair </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Corp. Mgr. Training </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Charter </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > John April </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Dir. TechOps </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> <tr class="odd:bg-gray-100"> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Charter </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Mike Larsen </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > Director, Field Ops, Process Engineering </td> <td class="font-medium p-4 text-gray-800 text-sm whitespace-nowrap" > </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section>