Insurance and SCTE Booth Info for Onsite Chapter Events
As described in the Chapter Handbook:
Insurance against liability exposure. Anytime a person or organization hosts an event, there is some degree of liability exposure present. If a guest is injured or property is damaged during the course of, or as a result of the event, the host may be held liable for reparations to the injured party. Again, through the partnership agreement, SCTE provides insurance coverage for its chapters and meeting groups against such forms of liability exposure. Otherwise, chapters and meeting groups would have to obtain their own coverage, a requirement that could be very costly. Some hotels and meeting spaces require proof of insurance. These forms can be obtained by contacting chapter support (
Up to 300 points
SCTE Booth
25 points are awarded for each SCTE booth a Chapter sets up at an association event which includes SCTE Membership Information. Chapters may request use of SCTE-branded materials for Vendor Days and other chapter events, pending availability. Send your request, including dates needed, shipping address and event name, to at least 30 days prior to the event. Submit the Recruitment Outreach form to obtain your points. This cannot be combined with Recruitment Marketing points.