Retired Certification
SCTE Retired Certification
SCTE Retired Certification Status recognizes those members who have been active in the industry and may no longer be able to participate in the activities that usually earn Recertification Units (RUs). Any SCTE member who qualifies for Retired SCTE Membership may apply for retired status for his or her SCTE certification. If approved, the individual must still renew the certification every three years and pay the recertification fee as usual, but will be released from the requirement of submitting Recertification Units as described in the "Maintaining Certification" portion of the SCTE Certification Rules.
Application Process
Completed applications for SCTE Retired Certification Status will be reviewed by the appropriate SCTE Committee.
- SCTE Certification (or Recertification) must be in good standing
- Retired or Disabled Member Status has been achieved.
- Criteria for Retired and Disabled Member Status:
Any current Fellow, Charter, Senior, or Active member who has been a Society member in good standing for a minimum of 10 years, is at least 60 years old, and is no longer employed full-time in the broadband telecommunications industry may apply for SCTE Retired Member Status.
Disabled members are eligible for SCTE Retired Member Status, regardless of age. Fully disabled is defined as the inability to continue working in full-time employment due to illness, injury or other debilitating condition.
- Submit the required Recertification Units (RUs)
A total of 12 recertification units (RUs) (21 RUs for BCE®, IPEP and DVEP) are required to maintain your certification without having to retake the exam
If you have not earned the minimum RUs, you may retake the exam, incurring the cost of the testing fee and the renewal application fee
- Submit the required recertification fee
- Note that those with SCTE Retired Certification status will not be eligible for SCTE Emeritus Certification status if RUs have not been submitted within the established Recertification timeframe
Contact certification@scte.org or call 800-542-5040